Currently, eeasy is only available in Japanese, so all user screens are in Japanese.
We are planning to provide an English version in the future.
◆ Advance preparation (Zoom account registration for an user of eeasy)
easy users must perform the steps in this section, regardless of the steps taken by the administrator
in the next chapter.

【1】 Login to eeasy and go to "User Settings [個人設定]".

【2】 Click on the "Application Tools [連携ツール] tab.

【3】 Click on the red frame below, "[設定する]".
(note: This is to activate your Zoom account for eeasy)

【4】 Sign in with your Zoom account on the Zoom authentication page, and click "Authorize" on the integration page.

You may be required to "pre-approve" the eeasy app by an account with "owner"
or "administrator" privileges on Zoom.

(1) If you are required to "pre-approve" and your Zoom account has "owner" or "administrator" privileges

⇒ "Pre-approve" on the linkage screen and click "authorize".

(2) If you are required to "pre-approve" and your Zoom account does not have "owner" or "administrator" privileges

⇒ Send a "pre-approval" request to the owner/administrator of your company's Zoom.
After the owner/administrator has "pre-approved" it, you can "authorize" it by following the steps (3).

(3) If you are not required to "pre-approve"

⇒ Click "authorize".

【5】 When coming back to the "Applciation Tools [連携ツール]" page in eeasy, click "Save [保存する]" at the bottom of the page. Now, you are ready for Zoom Application as a user.

【6】 Next, set up to create Zoom meetings automatically.
Go to "Scene Settings [シーン設定]" and click on the "Common Scenes [シーン共通]" tab.

【7】 Click on the red frame below, and click the "Confirm [確定]" button.

【8】 Click "Save [保存する]" at the bottom of the page.
Now, you are ready to coordinate your Zoom meetings automatically.

◆ Advance preparation (Zoom account registration for an administrator of eeasy)
In this procedure, you can register multiple Zoom accounts of employees who are not eeasy users.
Even if your member who is not eeasy user is a "meeting participant", a Zoom Meeting URL can be published automatically.
※NOTE: All eeasy user need to register their own Zoom account as described in the previous section.

【1】 Login as a user with an eeasy administrator and access "System Integration [システム連携]".

【2】 Click on the red frame below, "[連携アカウントの追加]".
(note: This is to make multiple Zoom accounts in your company available.)

【3】 Select "Role on Zoom" for a Zoom account to be authenticated.
By using a Zoom account with an owner/administrator role, you can make multiple accounts available at once.
※If it is an owner/administrator, select the left box. If it is a member, select the box on the right.

【4】 Sign in with the Zoom account on the Zoom authentication page, and click "Authorize" on the integration page.

You may be required to "pre-approve" the eeasy app by an account with "owner"
or "administrator" privileges on Zoom.

(1) If you are required to "pre-approve" and your Zoom account has "owner" or "administrator" privileges

⇒ "Pre-approve" on the linkage screen and click "authorize".

(2) If you are required to "pre-approve" and your Zoom account does not have "owner" or "administrator" privileges

⇒ Send a "pre-approval" request to the owner/administrator of your company's Zoom.
After the owner/administrator has "pre-approved" it, you can "authorize" it by following the steps (3).

(3) If you are not required to "pre-approve"

⇒ Click "authorize".

【5】 When coming back to the "System Integration [システム連携]" page in eeasy, confirm the Zoom account added.
Now, you are ready to coordinate Zoom meetings for your company's members automatically.

◆ How to use (how to publish a Zoom Meeting URL automatically)

When you select "Online [Web会議]" from meeting scenes, you can select "Zoom" from web meeting tools.
This feature is available only when one of the "Meeting participants" is enabled to use Zoom in eeasy.

If you coordinate a meeting with setting to automatically publish a Zoom Meeting URL,
a Zoom URL will be notified to your meeting partner and your party involved in the meeting when the meeting date has been set.

◆ Information page about the meeting / Notification email
◆ Event information on your company's calendar
◆ How to uninstall

Uninstall and deactivate an user's Zoom account

If you are coordinating a meeting that needs the Zoom account, you cannot uninstall it.

【1】 Login to eeasy and go to "User Settings [個人設定]".

【2】 Click on the "Application Tools [連携ツール] tab.

【3】 Click on the red frame below, "[連携解除]"

【4】 Click "Save [保存する]" at the bottom of the page.

Uninstall and deactivate multiple Zoom accounts in your company

【1】 Login as a user with an eeasy administrator and access "System Integration [システム連携]".

【2】Click on the red frame below, "[連携解除]".
(note: If you are coordinating a meeting that needs one of these Zoom accounts, you cannot uninstall it.)

Uninstall eeasy App from Zoom App Marketplace

【1】 Go to the Zoom App Marketplace and log in with the Zoom account you want to uninstall.

【2】 Go to "Manage" and click "Added Apps".

【3】 Click the "Remove" button on the right side of eeasy app.